Thursday, November 22, 2012

1 Year Ago

One year ago right about this time (2:30 p.m.), we arrived in the Shreveport airport to friends, family and a tv news crew. It was the best day ever. We were so tired from an all-night trip - from Bogota to Miami to Dallas to Shreveport. I can't believe it's been a year. Michael has truly changed our lives but so much for the better. He is a joy to watch as he grows and learns.

Over the past several months, his personality has just blossomed, and he is constantly jabbering and talking. One of his favorite things to say is "Kitty cat? I don't know?" as he looks for Naboo. He still loves to look at books and bring books to me or Ford to sit in our lap and read. He loves Elmo and Abby from Sesame Street. He loves "biiiiiiiig tucks" (aka big trucks) and "choo choo" trains and cows and "hee haws" (aka horses).

We could not have asked for a better baby. Michael turns two on December 4th, and we'll be celebrating!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We love you!

A few pics from Colombia

At the Bogota airport

First day home

And now...

Last night...

And Thanksgiving day 2012...